Điều khoản sử dụng - Miễn trừ trách nhiệm

1. Review công ty là website để người dùng chia sẻ kinh nghiệm, trải nghiệm làm việc ở các công ty IT/Media/Creative/Education

2. Toàn bộ thông tin đăng tải trên congtytui.info là do người dùng cung cấp. Người dùng đăng thông tin lên congtytui.info chịu trách nhiệm hoàn toàn về tính xác thực của thông tin đó.

3. Chúng tôi không có trách nhiệm quản lý, chỉnh sửa hoặc xóa bỏ nội dung đăng tải bởi người dùng.

Can I sue congtytui.info for reviews about my company?

While we do receive legal demand letters about reviews from time to time that include threats to sue congtytui.info, so far, no one has followed through with a lawsuit against us for our reviews. Why? Because:

1. US law protects congtytui.info from legal responsibility for the content submitted by our users.

2. US law also protects us from foreign libel judgments. The operation of congtytui.info's platform takes places solely in the US by congtytui.info's US-domiciled entity.

3. So, any judgment obtained against congtytui.info outside the US (in the unlikely event congtytui.info is unable to prevail in the foreign proceeding) will still have to be enforced in the US - subject to the US laws that protect congtytui.info for liability for the content created and submitted by its members.

The law is clear on this. So employers who sue congtytui.info for the reviews posted by our members risk penalties imposed by the court. These may include financial sanctions and reimbursement of our attorney's fees for our having to defend against a lawsuit that ignores obvious legal protections for congtytui.info.

Remember: This FAQ is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. You should not rely upon this information without seeking advice from an attorney who is competent in the relevant field of law.